Close-up of a board labeled 'M4 Board Rev. 2.4e - 2017' and electronic components attached. A blue diode is visible on the right side of the board. The background is blurred, resembling a film strip.


Video Player for CPC Family with M4 Card (WIP)

Cars driving down the street on a rainy evening. Video converted with 'M4Player' - video player for CPC with M4 card.

M4Player - video sample

Video converted with CPiC (16 colors - MODE 0 pixel size)

Video player for CPC family with M4 card.

The m4player has not been planned, this is a side effect of the (unsuccessful) MOVE IT! and M4 card compatibility test.

The incompatibility was not difficult to resolve and shed new light on the SD card reader. Data access time and memory capacity have opened up many new possibilities - because Moveit! (game tested) contains animation - video playback was a natural choice to test as the first one.

The player can play soundtrack created with CNGSoft's CHIPNSFX, and offering 12 different video configuration at the moment. In download area you can find sample videos, and early version of player.

Marathon, running people, back view. Video converted with 'M4Player' - video player for CPC with M4 card.

M4Player - video sample

Video converted with CPiC (16 colors - MODE 0 pixel size)

Video from a motorcycle, street view, road between buildings, trees on the side of the road. Video converted with 'M4Player' - video player for CPC with M4 card.

M4Player - video sample

Video converted with CPiC (16 colors - MODE 0 pixel size)

Original movie - Marek Grzybowski.